Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well, 2011 is about to come to a close, so I figured I’d write on my blog for the last time this year.
2011 has been pretty good to me, I’ll miss it, I got to see Rajon, which was probably my highlight of the year, other than my summer, which by far has been the best!
I’m kind of excited for 2012 and the new things that it will bring, I’ll be graduating, and going onto college, and that freaks me out a bit.
I tell my mom all the time that I’m gonna get married right out of high school, so we’ll see how that turns out.  I still plan on marrying Rajon Rondo, and instead of buying a mountain like I said before, I’ve decided that we’ll buy our own island, I mean come on, if you had to choose between a mountain and or your own private island which would you choose? The island of course!  But I think we might still get the mountain as well, because we’ll be so rich we can have both!
So if you ever need to get away from whatever, hook me up and you can come visit on my mountain or my island!
Well… that’s about all I got, see ya later 2011.

2012… HERE I COME.